Rules and Policies

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State Meet Responsibilities & Info

Expectations to be considered for state meet hosts.

1) Follow all rules and policies set forth in USAG rule book.
2) Meet director must be accessible at all times to state committee.
3) Run a format that is most conducive to the athletes.
4) Ensure that meals and drinks readily available for the coaches.
5) Provide a quality sound system.
6) Provide quality equipment and mats that meet or exceed rulebook.
7) Provide responsible volunteers, preferably adults.
8) Ensure that first aid is available as per rules and policies.
9) Ensure adequate seating for spectators
10) Have a photographer on hand. (Recommended)
11) Have state t shirts available. (Recommended)
12) Provide a designated seating area for competitors.
13) Provide a knowledgeable computer person.
14) Be efficient and correct with awards.
15) Regional Head is required to be paid by the meet host. (Paid one check to regional chairman).
16) State meet host is required to send pro score files to regional officers.

Following state meet, must provide required reports to State and Regional Administrative Committees. 

Other important info:

  • Gate for all State meets CANNOT exceed $20.00 for adults age 13 and older and $10.00 for kids age 5-12.  4 and under is FREE
  • Team scores at state meet will use top three scores on each event.
  • Specialists are allowed at OPTIONAL levels 6-10.  They will compete with the all-arounders and will not have their own specialist division.  Level 9 and 10 specialists can advance to regionals by scoring a 9.00 or high at the state meet on their respective events, Levels 6-8 must score a 9.0 or above to advance to regionals. 

State Meet Max Entry fees are as follows (entry prices are subject to change):
Level 2-5 $75/gymnast
Level 6-10 $85/gymnast
Teams-DP and Xcel $40.00/team 

State Meet Late Fees:
​$10 Late Fee per gymnast for entries and fees received past the deadline set forth by host club. 
If received within 10 days of competition, late fee is $25 per gymnast.
Late Qualifiers will not be charged a late fee as long as they are included on original roster (if received on time).  

State Meet Awards:

Team awards for state meet will go out 50% or a maximum of 10 places. 
Individual awards for all-around, Bronze will go out 100% and Silver-Diamond will go out 50%. 

Development Program


The Women’s Development Program (WDP) was created with the belief that all athletes, regardless of their potential, must have a solid foundation of basic skills in order to advance safely. The program allows the gymnast to advance at her own pace, competing in more than one level in a year, if she so chooses. 

State Meet Qualifications

Level 2 32.00 AA *Can qualify with a 1 judge panel
Level 3 32.00 AA *Can qualify with a 1 judge panel 
Level 4 32.00 AA*Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify
Level 5 32.00 AA*Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify
Level 6 32.00AA*Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify
Level 7 32.00 AA *Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify
Level 8/9/10 32.00 AA*Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify 

(Judging panel qualifications motion passed by the Iowa SAC 1/26/2023)

* Levels 6-10 Can Specialize at State; qualifying score of 8.0 is required for each event. 
*AA must be achieved at a sanctioned meet.
** refer to R&P for mobility score. 

Regional Qualifications

Levels 6-10: 34.0 at State

Specialists in levels 6-8 may advance to Regionals by scoring at least 9.00 on their respective event(s). Levels 9-10 may advance to Regionals by scoring an 8.50 on their respective events. Declaration of specialist status must be made BEFORE the start of the State meet. May not petition into Regionals as a specialist.
The qualifying score to advance to Regionals for levels 8, 9, and 10 is a 34.0 achieved at the state meet.  

Regional Entry Fees: 

$110 for All Xcel Divisions

$125 for levels 6/7

$135 for level 8

$150 for levels 9/10

Drop Back/Petitions

Drop Back Date for Athletes: Level Declaration Date: ALL DP & Xcel –  February 15th
Gymnasts who drop back after this date cannot compete at State Meet at lower level. 

Gymnasts may not compete in both a DP State and Xcel State Meet within the same “gymnastics year”–August 1 – July 31

Iowa will impose annual $10 administrative fee for all active USAG gymnasts on your club roster (Xcel and Development Program Gymnasts). This must be post marked by February 15th, if it is not in hand by March 1st the fee will increase to $20/athlete.  Please mail a printed roster and a check made out to IOWA USAG to  Kelly Dornan 6521 Palm Valley Dr, Sioux City, IA 51106 


All petitions for State Meets go to State Chair – Kelly Dornan

All petitions for Level 6-10 Regionals go to Windee Weiss, [email protected]

All petitions to Xcel Regionals go to Megan Bankole, [email protected]

All rules for petitioning can be found in the Rules and Policies Book, page 58 for Xcel, and page 88 for DP.
The deadline for petitions to Regionals is 3 days after the state meet.  Earlier is better if you have an injured athlete
If you have questions, please contact the appropriate Regional personnel.

Xcel Program


The Xcel Program is designed to offer a broad-based, affordable competitive experience outside the traditional Jr. Olympic Program to attract and retain a diverse group of athletes. 

State Meet Qualifications

Bronze-Silver 34.00 AA *Can qualify with a 1 judge panel
Gold-Diamond 32.00 AA *Must have a 2-judge panel to qualify.
Specialist State qualifying scores:
Bronze-Silver 8.5
Gold-Diamond 8.0

Regional Qualifications

*No bronze level regionals*
Silver 35.5 AA
Gold 34.0 AA
Platinum-Diamond 33.5 AA
All Xcel divisions can specialize at Regionals with a qualifying score of 9.0 on each event, achieved at State Meet
All-around must be achieved at the state meet

Drop Back/Petitions

Drop Back Date for Athletes: Level Declaration Date: ALL DP & Xcel –  February 15th
Gymnasts who drop back after this date cannot compete at State Meet at lower level. 
Gymnasts may not compete in both a DP State and Xcel State Meet within the same “gymnastics year”–August 1 – July 31.

Iowa will impose annual $10 administrative fee for all active USAG gymnasts on your club roster (Xcel and Development Program Gymnasts). This must be post marked by February 15th, if it is not in hand by March 1st the fee will increase to $20/athlete.  Please mail a printed roster and a check made out to IOWA USAG to Todd Beyer at 2906 C Ave NE, Cedar Rapids IA, 52402.


All petitions for State Meets go to State Chair – Todd Beyer, [email protected]
All petitions for Level 6-10 Regionals go to Windee Weiss, [email protected]
All petitions to Xcel Regionals go to Megan Bankole, [email protected]

All rules for petitioning can be found in the Rules and Policies Book, page 58 for Xcel, and page 88 for DP.
The deadline for petitions to Regionals is 3 days after the state meet.  Earlier is better if you have an injured athlete
If you have questions, please contact the appropriate Regional personnel.